Selasa, 06 April 2010

Creative Thinking

Creativity is pure gold , no matter what u do for a living . more than what u get done , more than the role u play , more than ur title , more than ur 'output' __its ur ideas that matter . despite the importance of a person's ability to think with creativity . few ppl seem to possess the skill in abundance .

if u're not as creative as u would like to be , u can chance ur way thinkin . creative thinkin isn't necessarily original thinkin . in fact , i think ppl mythologize original thought . most often , creative thinkin is a composite of other thoughts discovered along the way . even the great artist , whom we consider highly original , learned frm their masters , modeled their work on that of others , and brought together a host of ideas and styles to create their own work . study art , and u will see threads that run through the work of all artist and artistic movements , connecting them to other artist who went before them .

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